Hey, DC.
Ride transit with apple pay .

Add funds to your SmarTrip card in seconds directly in the Wallet app — no need to stop at the ticket machine.
Open this page using Safari on your iPhone or iPad.
Experience it for yourself
Apple Pay is accepted on trains and buses.
With real-time arrival and departure times, it’s easy to plan your trip. Access current locations of buses and trains, connections, and more.
A SmarTrip card can only be on one device at a time, but you can easily move it between your devices.
From iPhone to Apple Watch:
From Apple Watch to iPhone:
You can add Stored Value simply by tapping the Add Money button in Apple Wallet. If you want to purchase a pass or manage other SmarTrip account settings, download the SmarTrip app.
iPhone 8 or later with iOS 13.6 or later, or Apple Watch Series 3 or later with watchOS 6.2.8 or later.
For more questions about SmarTrip, visit the SmarTrip website.
Keep your credit and debit cards, tickets, keys, and more all in one place.